Rabu, 16 November 2011

            Legend of Nyi Roro Kidul                

            Believed or not, in fact Nyi Roro Kidul Legend is very famous in West Java
Supernatural phenomena Kanjeng Queen Roro Kidul or Queen of the South Coast is well known in the mystical world of the archipelago. Various versions of the story has been much noted. Even appointed to the big screen.
A number of witnesses who had seen her figure much exposed. But who the woman is ordained as the South Sea Ruler? Mystery tries along some information associated with it.

1. Legend
            There are two versions of the story / legend about the existence Kanjeng Queen Roro Kidul namely: First, the story of Queen Roro Kidul Kanjeng derived from humans, then go to the supernatural (genie).
            It is said that Queen Roro Kidul Kanjeng is the daughter of a king from the first wife. Once that happens intrigue within the royal jealousy triggered by the king's wives are younger. As a result, Roro Kidul Kanjeng Queen and her mother assaulted a strange disease (witchcraft / witchcraft) and was expelled from the kingdom. The mother had died, while Roro Kidul find a cure to dwell on the south coast region. Here, he met with the ruler of the sea genie who promised healing the illness but on condition Roro Kidul have to come into the kingdom of the sea. Roro Kidul menyanggupinya. Furthermore, Kanjeng Queen Roro Kidul became queen after the previous ruler's death.
            Interestingly, the origin of Roro Kidul area was also varied. There are recounts, Roro Kidul derived from the land of Java. But there are also stories Kanjeng Queen Roro Kidul Saribu it is the older brother of the King who is a descendant of King Batak. The original name of Queen Roro Kidul Kanjeng is Biding Sea.
Second, man-made fiction. This story relates to the story of Sultan Agung, ruler of the kingdom of Mataram. It is said, when Sultan Agung in power, he hopes that his people were living peacefully and do not intend ever experienced the rebellion as its predecessor kingdoms like Singosari, Majapahit, Demak, etc.. Encouraged to prevent the occurrence of rebellion was Sultan issued a declaration about the greatness of the kingdom of Mataram.
            Sultan Agung claimed that his authority was not only includes the land of Java but includes oceans. In order to claim to be logical, it is also Sultan declared that he formed a partnership with Queen Kanjeng Roro Kidul, Lord of the South Seas.
            This strategy is quite telling given the Javanese culture and tradition is thick with the aroma of mystique. Even the same story that circulated in the month of Suro (Muharram), the land of Java is prohibited to throw a party or celebration, because in that month Kanjeng Queen Roro Kidul is holding a celebration in the kingdom of the sea. Yet the real reason because in the month of Suro's ruler of Mataram throw a party, such as relatives of the royal wedding.
2. Accounts of several witnesses who had met the Queen Roro Kidul Kanjeng
First, the experience of a Housewife in the district. Ciemas Sukabumi.
            This story is nothing else comes from a housewife who is now known to be a shaman (healer) who based some of the narrative that the power that made him become a shaman is thanks to the help of Kenjeng Queen Roro Kidul. Most people have acknowledged his power, so it's no wonder many of the officials who had requested his help to the continuity of his career. so no doubt the wealth of a middle-aged mother has abundant results from his doctors menajdi this. Because each of which come there is always give the material a number of yak a bit, even pemberianya it can be directly tangible and other luxury cars.
            He is to have a name KUJUN, Writers often called Bi Kujun still one district where he lived with the author but different village. Once upon a time, circa the 70's the last time he was a village girl while his young age he was already on by both parents marry same men kampugnya neighbors. Khidupan not as wonderful household that may be experienced by a couple others, but the household is always decorated by the bickering and no doubt with great fights and gets rough treatment from her husband this.
            One day it's exactly the afternoon when the day was to nights on the mark by starting berkomandangnya sunset call to prayer from every corner of the mosque in the various neighborhoods located between the villages berjaihan fairly with each other, the streets deserted and the time it got dark because no one has namnya especially electrical communication tools and information such as television and the other, each family only rely cempor lamp for lighting the stage where every house nightfall. At that time, Bi KuJun is already getting bad treatment and was expelled by her husband. So with a painful heart, eye and mind that continues to tear that is not necessarily aim to force myself out of the house using a clothes pickup would walk toward the house of his parents are pretty short distance let alone the night grew dark while public transport has not been there at that time.
            With a chaotic mind, he tried down the street, stepping one step even though she felt quite heavy for the step forward. Lamaunan & mind semerawutnya kealam subconscious bring it up, and then suddenly, as if to see the procession of hundreds of different cars that carry a wide range of needs; several cars trucks carrying rice, coconuts, vegetables, banana and coconut leaves and many more the others. Percisnya troupe such as carrying goods that would hold a massive party. Suddenly, among the hordes queue contained luxury sedan car in which sat a lovely princess who then deliberately stopped in front of the Bi Kujun this, then it took her daughter to get into his car. Bi Kujun finally went in and joined among the group. Along the way girls and even then ask for an explanation to her why he was on the way Ramanujan dikala day before the night like that and Bi Kujunpun explain everything. Then the princess was invited to come to Keratonnya and live with him. Because there are no other options, finally Bi Kujunpun follow all of the daughters of this solicitation.
            In the half-conscious mind, Bi Kujun this view car entourage after a long journey suddenly started to go one by one into the sea precisely at the Port of Queen and seteleh receive an explanation from her daughter turned out to be admitted is Nyi Roro Kidul who was willing to hold a big party scale in the kerajaanya. No wonder because the time is longer dry season and daedaunan all taxable caterpillars and community yields less results. So that people believed it was the result partly brought by the ruler of the sea's south.
            For 3 months she was considered missing by his family until dicara everywhere and ditanyakana k some shaman who can trace his whereabouts. Almost all the shamans say that he is still there and within a certain time he will come back with keistimewaanya. Then, exactly 3 months from the time she disappeared, he too in the back by the keratin inter Roro Kidul singing.
During the singing of keratin roro south, it turns out he's in good kanuragan Arm various sciences, science sareat pnyembuh for the sick, the science of forecasters and many others. Which he said his strength was in the Bantu by the power of singing Roro south itself. So Bi Kujunpun has now turned into a powerful healer who requested pertolongnya by many good people in economy class though weak trap to officials, and now seuaminyapun became very close again with him. He is believed to be fulfilling all that was good in healing sore pertolonganya begged, asked promoted and others. So do not be surprised if the return is received is very well ... ..!!! There is one more interesting, the views of be some patients who have been to his house .... They say that, in the physician's house has one peculiarity, too, where when we ask something bleak ask apple apple then suddenly it already is before us.
Believe it or not, depending on the people who want to believe it. To ask questions or anything, you can get to see mumpung biliau is still there. Come and meet him in the village of Kampung Cikira-Cibinong Mekarja Ciemas Kabuapten Sukabumi District.
The author does not tell you to believe, but it depends on each one. If we Muslims, we just believe in Allah SWT. Perhaps if this has a Bi Kujun privilege, let's just say it's a god advantages he had planned and he was sareat intermediaries. Healing of the sick man is by permission of God, and that lainnyapun by permission of God. So everything depends only pa Allah Almighty, as God the almighty and all-wise.

            Second, the presence of Nyi Roro Kidul Room at Hotel Samudra (Port Queen)
Many ceritra about the existence of which is provided in a special room for this singing Roro Kidul do exist, that is precisely one of the largest hotel in Port Queen, ie precisely at the Hotel Samudra. Hotel Ocean is the largest hotel in the Port of Queen who might have been much known by tourists both locally and internationally.
Rooms for Nyi Roro Kidul is indeed in khusu provided by the hotel owner. who supposedly said Nyi Roro Kidul asked him and he often came to the hotel is. If you as a person who often curious or in doubt, please go Hotel Samudra (Samudra Beach Hotel) in the Port of Queen Sukabumi West Java.
Third, the testimony of Abdul (20 years), residents Lomanis, Cilacap.
            One time, he was relaxing on a beach of white sand island of Nusakambangan. According to him, within a distance of about 50 meters from the shoreline, he saw the Queen ride in the carriage which accompanied hundreds of bodyguards. He saw the queen a very long dress that stretched behind him.
            Although he saw the crown on her head the Queen, but her face is only seen from the side. Sighting he witnessed around 20:00 the night followed by loss of consciousness for almost a week. Thankfully, a number of Kyai successful cure.
            Fourth, the testimony of Ahmad Durriati (70 years), residents Kotagede, Yogyakarta.
The first experience with her son when he was having a penance on the coast of Parang Tritis. Towards the middle of the night, an extraordinary apparition he had seen the walls of buildings as high as about 5 feet that stretches along the coast.
            The distance is approximately 20 meters from the shoreline. In some parts of the building's fortress-like walls, he and his son saw a number of people who are on it, like being in a guard position. The upright standing guard with a spear in his hand.
            The second experience occurred when she was ill so it was in a coma. In his unconscious, he seemed to be in the kingdom of Roro Kidul. There, he saw people who were busy at work setting up the walls of buildings as being no development.
            Uniquely, the workers have a pitiful expression, as if to ask for help. They like working in an atmosphere of compulsion. They are bare-chested wearing only tattered trousers. In addition, a number of savage-looking man stood watching the workers. Perhaps these workers are the ones who, when his life is often asked pesugihan.
            Furthermore, Ahmad Durriati tell when face to face with Roro Kidul. According to him, The Queen sat on a throne chair domiciled higher floors from where he sat. A number of lady's maid was standing with a fan.
            Then the Queen gave him a meaningful advice monotheism. ''Ask for everything to the Lord. Do not ask for anything whatsoever to me, because I have no right to give it. If there are people who ask me something. Actually I never once gave it. If there are people who adore me and ask me something, then that gives the demand is from among citizens of the kingdom that is going to mislead people.''So says Kanjeng Queen Roro south.
            Develop a monotheistic advice which may have undermined the assumption that all Kanjeng Queen Roro Kidul often grant the request man who asked for her blessing and pesugihan.
            According to Ahmad Durriati, what he experienced in a coma is like a notice that the cult and have pesugihan just a vanity that just dropped in polytheism.
            Kalapun there are people who managed to obtain property or position of the pesugihan, it is nothing more than giving satan who is in charge of misleading people.
            In the final encounter, Ahmad Durriati given a choice between returning to his family or stay in the kingdom of the South Seas. Ahmad chose the former. The Queen then lift the stick and hit his shoulder. Instantly she jerked and aware of the conditions he experienced coma for several days.
            From the above description, it can be concluded: first, the figure of Queen Roro Kidul Kanjeng never existed. He is only a story that circulated for generations. A story which is certainly produced a very qualified Begawan literary story in processing materials.
            Third, figure Kanjeng Queen Roro Kidul really exist. He could have come from the kind of man who becomes invisible or including the jinn. Origin of the land area can be Java or from outside Java.